Saturday, April 14, 2012

Leaving LaSalle

Man!  I didn't realize I was late for "L" day.  So this is the first of two related posts for today.

If you have been reading my blog you will already know that we are gate guarding in the Eagle Ford shale oil patch.  You may not know that we are in LaSalle County in south Texas.  11.2 miles West of Cotulla off of hwy 468.  Then another 3 miles in on dirt roads to our little spot.

This is our second gate and we have been here since late November.  Our time here at the Circle Y ranch has been very enjoyable.  We had a few slow months when we first got here, but it has since picked up quite a bit.  We're now on the leaving track as of today.  We said goodbye to all the pipeline guys, all the guys on both pads, our regulars and Mary and Jack Neal, our new good friends.

We've hitched the 5er to the truck, put most of everything away in their traveling places and just have to wait for our replacements to show up tomorrow morning.  I hear they are two young women whose parents also have been gate guarding for awhile.  We will give them an orientation - how the generator works, how to fill out the logs, who's on what pad, what the pipeline guys are doing and how nice the ranch owner is.

He in particular has made our stay here pretty damn good.  He and his friends who were usually here every weekend have become our friends.  We will be having dinner at his house with his wife and "the guys" next week.  It will be hard to say goodbye to them, but if all goes well we will be right back here next November.

So as we say goodbye to the Circle Y, Cotulla and LaSalle county we will take away good memories, new friends and a big desire to come back next fall.


  1. I'm sure you'll miss the gate some, but it sure does feel good to be traveling again after sitting still for so long .... enjoy!

  2. So glad you have enjoyed your gate time and that it is one you want to see again next year. Thanks for visiting my blog! Now get on down the road and enjoy yourselves!


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